idk if this is fake or not
4 months ago
United Kingdom

i saw a video of a speedrun of this game in 17 mins and what they did was instead of going through all the game normally when u go to the gas production zone the first time after getting the purple hand they just went to the elevator and did fnaf with catnap then completed the game idk if this is cheated or a actual bug since the leaderboards arnt up yet


its fake and the wr is 13:50+

Utah, USA

Just as a question who currently has the record

Ontario, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
4 months ago

not sure if theres an exact time, but as of right now it looks like its around 14:08 (with loads) if im not mistaken

United Kingdom

how do u even do that can u send a yt video?

Utah, USA

You can copy and paste the link in the reply and it automatically appears

Utah, USA

Also preyy the fastest real run I've seen is 13:54 with loads by barneygoose I assume that's the WR

Deleted by the author

and you can check this video

Utah, USA

Yes this run is real and not cheated

United Kingdom

yo what lol i just got gifted a boost